How To Restore Your Health

By: Mike Daciuk


How To Restore Your Health

Practical Steps To Transform Your Mind, Nutrition and Lifestyle

The genesis of this book comes from healing and helping thousands of people from around the world.

Many people struggle with a multitude of issues from a poor childhood, abuse, anxiety, depression, weight gain, chronic disease, genetic mutations and so many more. Topics covered in this book include Genetics and Epigenetics, The Brain and Subconscious Programming, Gut-Brain Axis, Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise Programs and Health Benefits, Stress Reduction Techniques, The Top Functional Medicine Labs and Natural Supplements That Help Balance the Body.

We will take a deep dive into each section and provide an explanation on why you feel the way you do and then outline thorough solutions to help balance your body and restore your health. World experts are cited along with real life case studies of patients that have changed their life and now lead a life of vitality and abundance.

About The Author

Mike Daciuk is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitoner and Personal Trainer who works with Fortune 500 executives, athletes, children and people who want to transform their life.

Having spent almost 25 years in health and personal development, he is well suited to help people perform their best while also attaining balance in their life. His unique blend of spirituality, nutrition and fitness are highly sought after by individuals looking to make a difference.

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