Four Healthy Alternatives To Bread

Today we look at four healthy flours that are alternatives to your typical bread.  Many of my patients ask me what they can eat as they just loved their pasta, bread, bagels, etc.  Check out this...

The Resurrection – Elevating Your Life

Today we discuss how you make a change and impact in your life.  We look at Easter and the meaning in the Catholic and Christian religion.  Our focus is on personal development and what your purpose is in this world.  Enjoy the show....

Five Concepts That Help Prevent Cancer

Today we look at five key areas that need to be addressed when trying to live an optimal life.  Leading a balanced life and being proactive will serve you much better in the long run.  Enjoy the show.  www.mikedaciuk.comCheck out this...

How To Mitigate EMF Damage To Your Body

Today we look at how you can reduce EMF radiation to your body and brain.  There has been a growing incidence of cancer rates due to exposure and today’s show will give you some tips on how you can protect yourself.  Enjoy.  Check out this...

How To Improve Your Focus And Concentration

Today we look at a brain sensing application that helps improves focus, concentration and meditation.  It measures your brainwaves and shows where you can improve and when you are in peak state.  Enjoy the show.  www.mikedaciuk.comCheck out this...

Two Bio-hacks To Lose Weight Rapidly And Effectively

Today we look at two bio-hacks that will help you lose weight effectively and rapidly.  The science is evolving and we see the great benefits in our clinic each and every day.  Enjoy the show.  www.mikedaciuk.comCheck out this...
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