What Health Issues Does FDN Address?
Feb 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
What Health Issues Does FDN Address?
The short answer is, “all of them”. The Body is a System of Systems
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) is a fundamental way of looking at health. We try to avoid diagnosing and treating disease, and try very hard to help each patient or client “rebuild health”, allowing us to help just about anybody in any condition. The certainty of this paradigm is illustrated in the following example.
Ms. Smith came to us with complaints of chronic joint pain (already diagnosed with and treating for arthritis symptoms), muscle pain (diagnosed and treating for fibromyalgia), skin problems (psoriasis) and digestive issues (gastritis). She was also presenting with mild depression and fatigue.
When her doctor suggested that she start taking yet another medication (anti-depressants), Ms. Smith got fed up with the diagnosis and treatment options being offered. In essence, her biggest complaint was no longer the pain and discomfort she was experiencing, it was the current medical treatment and run-around she felt she was receiving. In her eyes, the medical model itself was contributing to a downward spiral in her quality of life.
Needless to say, when Ms. Smith opted to hire a skilled FDN practitioner, her entire outlook changed almost overnight. The FDN orientation gave her new insights and the motivation she needed to do something different, to take control of her own health. And the end results were nothing less than miraculous.
Our view of symptoms like joint pain, muscle pain, bad skin, gastric bloating and every other health complaint, is that they all have causal factors to be investigated. Even in tough cases, opportunities for physical repair, restoration and healing can be great and, in my mind, the opportunities to employ FDN are equally abundant.
On the other hand, masking a symptom allows the underlying condition to deteriorate, to get worse. Palliative care is important, but if that’s allyou provide then the patient may weaken and soon you’ll need stronger and stronger medication. Eventually, surgery may become necessary. Something I noticed a long time ago, once body parts are removed, they become quite difficult to restore to normal function.
FDN is a type of detective work that seeks to identify and correct the underlying causes and conditions that lead to the patients health complaints. In that sense, FDN is not diagnosing or treating any disease nor practicing medicine. At once, this sits very well with the lay-practitioner.
For licensed providers who have them, any concerns about standard of care conflicts are unwarranted. The truth is, integrating FDN forces us to raise the bar some. Everything we do is science and evidence based. Skeptical colleagues should be more concerned that we have reached a newstandard of care, and the only conflict is that they are losing their patient base to our good offices.
We use high quality functional lab work to investigate underlying malfunctions of the adrenal glands, mucosal barrier, detoxification systems, metabolic processes, absorption and assimilation, immune and defense mechanisms and steroid hormone balance to name a few. We don’t go overboard, just a handful of labs really. When data from these labs plus other clues are correctly interpreted, especially within the framework of Wm. Wolcott’s Metabolic Typing® (MT) system, the opportunities for building health become markedly evident.
I guarantee that FDN and MT give licensed and non-licensed providers a leg up on any other health building system. What I mean is, take any system you are currently using and add FDN and MT methods, and you should arrive at a whole new level. Your ability to help people will be multiplied several times over. At least this is true for our demographic.
We do not routinely deal with acute or heroic interventions. If someone is having an appendicitis attack, or is in the throes of passing a kidney stone, by all means they should head for the nearest emergency room. If they just got hit by a truck, someone should call a lawyer, err, I mean ambulance.
Our demographic is made up of people with health complaints, who want to do something about it, and opt into our system in an arm’s length transaction under no duress. Or there shouldn’t be any duress. Practitioners using FDN and MT provide intelligent health care services, not attendant sickness care. For the last time in this article, I’ll say this; we don’t diagnose or treat disease, we do present opportunities for healing.
However (a big however), people need to know that we do not control the outcomes. This fact, often brought to mind by our Medical Director, Dr. Wm. Bailey DO, deserves considerable attention. Understanding and communicating this properly can be the single most important factor in your success as a holistic health care provider.
The truth is, we can’t know the exact results each person will achieve because of the number of variables. We don’t use powerful drugs that artificially control blood pressure, for instance. Our natural therapies require time for the body to heal, to return to normal function. We trust that the body wants to return to homeostasis, good health, and every effort is made to assist it. Therefore, as Bill Wolcott has pointed out many times, we must manage our patient’s expectations carefully, as well as our own.
I can hear Bill’s sincere admonition to “expect nothing” when a natural therapy is applied. I’m not saying we don’t expect good outcomes, we know they will occur. But we must be disciplined enough to make our recommendations, and simply observe the outcome. Again, in Bill’s words, we “probe and analyze” as objectively as possible. Then we make course corrections based on each client’s individual needs. In my experience with thousands of patients, this principle of functional medicine cannot be overstated.
Educating patients and clients how to get well and stay well is our paramount task. That means teaching them, not to ignore symptoms, but to realize their symptoms are only signals from the body that something is wrong. And if the patient will give us a chance to investigate, we may be able to determine what is really wrong. But, again, we do not control outcomes. Course corrections are part of the program. Your ability to get agreement on this single reality may determine the satisfaction you’ll achieve with each one of your patients or clients.
Patients will give you the nod, “Oh yes, I totally understand”. They’ll give you a check, pay good money to hire you as their health detective. “I want to get to the cause”, they promise. Yet, over and over, I’ve had to counsel FDN and MT advisors who allowed themselves to be sucked into the sticky web of chasing symptoms at the whim of the paying customer, kind of a symptom-removal hell. If you’re going to enjoy the rewarding, low-stress practice I promised you, learn to communicate the realities involved in healing.
The step-by-step intake and acceptance method taught in the FDN Certification Course works very well. In the case above, Ms. Smith was aware enough, and tired enough of chasing symptoms, that she was willing to engage in a new process. She was already primed and knew, on a gut level, that she had to get to the root cause. So the FDN orientation was music to her ears. Others require a little more effort. But in every case, before we accept anyone as a client, they should know exactly how we’re going to help them, what they can and cannot expect.
I am extremely confident in our ability to help almost every patient or client. The secret to success should be evident. If you have any doubt, join the FDN Course today and take advantage of the Free FDN Mentorship Program. There are millions upon millions of people that need your help. And we’re here to help you.
Reed Davis, Founder, FDN Certification Course
Has a patient ever told you, “I’ve tried everything” but is still concerned with:
Can’t Lose/Gain Weight?
High Cholesterol?
Muscle Pain?
Joint Pain?
Low Energy?
Foggy Thinking?
Sleep Issues?
Poor Libido?
Depressed Moods?
High Blood Pressure?
Digestive Problems?
Blood Sugar Problems?
Family with Cancer & Diabetes?
Skin & Hair Problems?
Migraines and Headaches?
Sinuses and Allergies?
Then its time to stop chasing symptoms and start addressing the underlying causes!
Register today for Advanced Online Functional Lab Training
Learn to identify and correct malfunctions of the Hormone, Immune, Digestion, Detoxification, Energy Production and Nervous Systems.
Restore these pillars of health to normal function and
see your patients return to vibrant health and vitality!
Join a family of caring practitioners that help people
“Get Well and Stay Well ~ Naturally”
w/ Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®
Step-by-step program teaches how to implement
functional lab work into your practice immediately
using a proven, low stress business model.