6 Steps To Manifest Abundance In Your Life

Today we look at six key steps to manifest abundance in your life.  These will help you move forward to achieve the life you deserve.  Enjoy the show.  www.mikedaciuk.com  Check out this...

Top Contributor To Brain Health

Today we look at a macronutrient that is found in many foods and supplements.  It is great at promoting nerve development, memory, energy levels, muscle movement and metabolism.  Enjoy the show.  www.mikedaciuk.comCheck out this...

Step By Step On How To Get Better

Today we look at the nine steps that patients will be evaluated on to see what is holding them back from health and vitality.  Enjoy the show.  www.mikedaciuk.comCheck out this...

These Foods Promote Cell Growth In The Brain

Today we look at four foods that promote neurogenesis and cell growth within the hippocampus of the brain.  This is very important in preventing cognitive decline and disease. Enjoy the show.  www.mikedaciuk.com Check out this...

Zika Virus

Tuesday February 16th Zika Virus What is a virus? A virus is a microscopic organism that can replicate only inside the cells of a host organism. Most viruses are so tiny they are only observable with at least a conventional optical microscope. Viruses infect all types...
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