Prebiotics and Probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria in yogurt, kefir, kombucha and other dairy products.   However, heat and stomach acid can kill them, rendering them ineffective before they’ve even been digested. Unfortunately many people don’t consume dairy due to cultural or preference...

How To Test For Food Sensitivities

In today`s show, we discuss how you can test for food sensitivities and the best labs to run.  Many of my patients have gut and issues with their reaction to food.  We will break down which test is best for you and how it can alleviate your pain.  Enjoy the show....

Top Three Labs For Your Gut And GI Tract

Today we look at the top three functional medicine labs that heal the gut.  There are so many options for people to run and these are great at uncovering issues with your “leaky gut”.  Enjoy the show.     Check out this...

Gut Labs

Disease Prevention As I was reviewing and researching all of the functional medicine labs I run for my patients around the world, it became obvious that there is no shortage of quality laboratories to select from.  They have industry leading scientists with quality...


FODMAPS What are FODMAPs? FODMAPs are a group of small carbohydrate (sugar) molecules found in everyday foods. Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and provide an important source of energy for the body. FODMAPs are carbohydrates that may be poorly...
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