How To Overcome Your Fear Of Failure

  Great post from Eva Gregory.   Fear of failure is like being stuck in quicksand. You’re probably not happy with your current situation, but you’re too uncomfortable with your options for making meaningful change your life. We’re great at procrastinating...

Five Life Lessons From Jim Rohn

Lesson One: Your Personal Philosophy – The Set of the Sail Rohn explains that your personal philosophy is the major determining factor in how your life works out. Each person’s personal philosophy is the set of the sail. The winds of circumstance blow on us all, and...

Exercise Programs and Health Benefits

Exercise Programs and Health Benefits     Exercise   The impact of exercise on your mood, hormones, body chemistry, strength and heart is substantial.  The amount and duration of exercise you should attempt is dependent upon your physiological levels...

How To Create The Life You Want

The Brain and Subconscious Programming   This is likely my favourite topic as it is so profound and important in your life yet so many people don’t fully understand it.   Let’s take a step back and review why subconscious programming is relevant to life and health. ...

15 Life Changing Lessons

15 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Wayne Dyer Wayne Dyer was a mentor and leader in the metaphysical field.  He used his experience and influence to help people lead a more fulfilled life.  He attracted abundance by doing more and giving more.   We should all...
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