Feb 25, 2017 | News & Articles
Another great post from Tony Robbins on learning how to embrace uncertainty and what it can bring to your life. There will always be uncertainty but it is how we manage our time and our reaction to it that matters. Enjoy We’ve figured out how to control most...
Feb 16, 2017 | News & Articles
I come across Tony’s articles and I am moved by how appropriate and accurate they are. Your words are very powerful and have the ability to shape your day. I find I am at my best when I pause, observe, analyze and then speak. Your words and subsequent actions...
Feb 9, 2017 | News & Articles
A very simple but direct message from Dr. Wayne Dyer and one I encounter every day with patients and clients. They feel they are not worthy enough and don’t deserve life’s blessings. Whatever you are seeking is seeking you. Enjoy the article....
Feb 1, 2017 | News & Articles
Sometimes you need to go through terrible times to finally turn your life around. Your character is revealed when you are faced with adversity. Problems won’t go away until the lesson has been learned. You and only you are responsible for your happiness. Nobody else...
Jan 31, 2017 | News & Articles
I really enjoyed this blog from Dr. Dyer on Purpose and I wanted to share it with the community. He was great at giving away his time, money and resources so people could lead a better life. He was a proponent of energy and the connectivity of human beings. Enjoy...