Seven Tips To Improve Confidence

From Hay House and Dr. Wayne Dyer. 1. Remove Any and All Labels Old habits of thinking stick around, often for an entire lifetime, largely because you create internal reasons to reinforce and maintain them. These reasons, which I’m calling “excuses,” can become...

Forgive Yourself

From The Great Wayne Dyer   The act of forgiving yourself shows that you are living the awakened life. Many years ago, my sister-in-law made me a beautiful pillow that says, “I’m allowed.” For me, it is a reminder that I am allowed to live my life as I see fit,...

Visualize The Life You Want

We write extensively about visualization and I wanted to pass on an article from John Assaraf whom I respect in the industry of mindset and personal development.  Enjoy the article.   By John Assaraf Success at attaining any goal can be measured by how...

How To Motivate Your Brain To Succeed

12 Tips from Mark Waldman to Motivate Your Brain to Succeed: 1. Make a list of all your passions, desires, and wishes. 2. Identify your core inner values. 3. Identify the 3 most important passions that are aligned with your values. 4. Ask yourself: do you have the...

Move Back To Love

By Wayne Dyer who is a true legend   Notice each day whether you are choosing to live in fear or love. Fear can keep you disconnected from the loving presence inside of you. Causing fear is a tactic of the ego, whether it be your own ego or the world’s ego. The...
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