Jun 7, 2016 | News & Articles
1. Use Grounding/Earthing Grounding (also known as earthing) is exposing your body to the natural magnetic frequencies released by Earth. Since hurdling through space 40,000 feet above the planet in a metal tube is about the most disconnected with the earth you can...
Apr 7, 2016 | Uncategorized
Mental illness is a very serious issue and I see many patients who struggle with it. These can range from depression, anxiety, mood, sleep, etc. We typically run a few labs to see what is going on physiologically and then have a paradigm of sequential steps we...
Mar 17, 2016 | Diet & Nutrition, News & Articles
A great show on how to improve your sleep. Enjoy. 1241: SLEEP. Common mistakes, pitfalls, and simple fixes with Shawn...