
What is Gout? Gout is a type of arthritis characterized by painful, stiff and inflamed joints. The stiffness and swelling are a result of excess uric acid forming crystals in your joints, and the pain associated with this disease is caused by your body’s...

How to Avoid Jet Lag and Sleep Better

1. Use Grounding/Earthing Grounding (also known as earthing) is exposing your body to the natural magnetic frequencies released by Earth. Since hurdling through space 40,000 feet above the planet in a metal tube is about the most disconnected with the earth you can...

What To Supplement With On A Vegetarian Diet

There is simply no expert that would disagree with the observation that most people do not eat enough vegetables, let alone high-quality organic ones. So it makes perfect sense that individuals who consume more vegetables are likely to be healthier. Most Americans...
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