Four Steps To Become Better

Four Key Steps to Feel Better   Make Progress.  Just keep improving.   Don’t compare to others.  Just compare yourself to the day before.  Many people may not be where they want to be yet but as long as they are making progress, they are happy.  In my...

My Morning Routine

Morning Routine     My morning routine actually starts the night before as this where I prepare my mind for the night and the forthcoming morning.  I spend the last 45 minutes before bed in a warm, epsom salt (magnesium based) bath with theta state music as...

How To Eliminate Worry From Your Life

Today we discuss four ways in how you can eliminate worry from your life.  Too many people are caught in strife and deal with anxiety on a daily basis.  We provide some techniques that will help you move forward.  Enjoy the show. Check out this...

Top Resources For Health And Functional Medicine

Today we look at my peers and mentors whom I look up to and whose work I value immensely.  I feel you guys will benefit from this information and it will help you make informed decisions.  Enjoy the show team.     Check out this...

These Genes Affect Fat Storage

Today we look at the importance of genetic testing and what genes affect your tolerance to some foods.  Are you better suited for carbs, fats or proteins?  Enjoy the show. Check out this...
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