The Power Of Intention

As we have mentioned many times. we really enjoy Dr. Dyer’s work and his ability to do more with less.  He attracts into his life what he gives out.  His serenity and calm are what make him a still voice in the storm.  Enjoy this article below.  Thanks. It’s...

You Are Worthy

  A very simple but direct message from Dr. Wayne Dyer and one I encounter every day with patients and clients.  They feel they are not worthy enough and don’t deserve life’s blessings.  Whatever you are seeking is seeking you.  Enjoy the article....

How To Live An Inspired Life

I really enjoyed this post on how to live an inspired life by Dr. Wayne Dyer.  Dr. Dyer focuses on your source and how to use the universe to bring harmony to your life.  You can manifest your dreams and desires with your mind and through calculated action.  You are...

What’s My Life Purpose?

I really enjoyed this blog from Dr. Dyer on Purpose and I wanted to share it with the community.  He was great at giving away his time, money and resources so people could lead a better life.  He was a proponent of energy and the connectivity of human beings.  Enjoy...

We Teach What We Are

Great post from Dr. Wayne Dyer on confidence and how we help young children.  Wayne was a pioneer in teaching and educating people from around the world in self improvement.  Enjoy the article below.     When teachers and parents ask what they can do to help...
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