The Science Behind Exercise

The Science of Exercise Selection: Part 1 by Paul Chek Selecting the best exercises for a client can be challenging, even for the most skilled exercise and rehab professionals. With an array of exercises to consider, not to mention the influx of new technologies and...

Exercise Programs and Health Benefits

Exercise Programs and Health Benefits     Exercise   The impact of exercise on your mood, hormones, body chemistry, strength and heart is substantial.  The amount and duration of exercise you should attempt is dependent upon your physiological levels...

Three Quick Tips To Get In Shape For Summer

Team, As you know, I like to get in depth with health and functional medicine as I see some very serious cases.  With that being said, I understand that I need to simplify concepts for people who just want to lose 20 pounds and feel better.  Here are three easy tips...

Which Training Routine Is Best For Fat Loss?

Today we look at which training protocol is best for weight loss, blood sugar levels, and EPOC.  We will compare HIIT, cardio based and a hybrid version.  Enjoy the show. Check out this...
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