Botanicals to treat IBS naturally:

Removing high FODMAPs for a period of time. Botanical antimicrobials (high dose Peppermint oil, Oregano oil) Bone broth, L-glutamine, DGL, marshmallow root for gut soothing/rebuilding. Antimicrobial botanicals like olive leaf extract, uva ursi, cat’s claw, yerba...

AIP Diet

The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is a diet that helps heal the immune system and gut mucosa. It is applicable to any inflammatory disease.  The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet works to reduce inflammation in the intestines. Many elimination diets are not complete enough...


You have all heard the adage “you are what you eat” and I believe that holds true for most people in this world. There may be the odd exception especially when they are younger and their metabolism has not slowed down yet but you have to be extremely cognizant of what...


What are hormones?  Hormones are chemical messengers that come from your various endocrine glands throughout your body and they relay specific messages to each cell.   Humans have about 50 different known hormones, which vary in their structure, action and response....

Fitness Training

In over 20 years of actively training, I have seen all kinds of athletes, beginners and your average fitness enthusiast. What becomes prevalent almost instantaneously is their strengths and weaknesses when assessing them. You may have someone who is really strong but...
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