Powerful Herb For Immune System

Today we look at a major herb from China that is used to help the immune system, lung capacity and endurance.  It has been used for many years with excellent documented results.  I wanted to pass it along to my team so they can have another option at their...

Cell Phones And Cancer

Today we look at the use of EMF and WIFI devices and their impact on health.  Why have we seen such an increase in brain cancer and inflammation in people?  We look at why EMF poses a problem for the cells of the body, how we can mitigate the risk and what...

Alternative Tests For Moody, Unhappy And Overactive Children

Today we look at Alternative Tests you can run on your children if they are showing signs of being unhappy, moody or overactive.  Standard care is to label them with a diagnosis and put them on medication which can have serious long term consequences.  We...

How To “Heal” Anxiety Naturally

In this episode, we look at what anxiety is, how it is currently being treated, the side effects of medication, ways to heal naturally and some excellent tips to leading a better life.  We have seen patients experience this condition many times in our practice...

Best Kept Secret In Health

This naturally produced milk available in supplement form as well is incredible for the immune system, athletic performance, producing IGF 1 and enhancing probiotics.  If you want to heal your leaky gut and keep your body feeling great, then I highly recommend...
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