Foods That Are High In Iron

Iron deficiency is the most common form of nutritional deficiency – especially among children and pregnant women – according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  Not getting enough can cause iron deficiency anemia and make you more susceptible to illness...

Three Quick Tips To Get In Shape For Summer

Team, As you know, I like to get in depth with health and functional medicine as I see some very serious cases.  With that being said, I understand that I need to simplify concepts for people who just want to lose 20 pounds and feel better.  Here are three easy tips...


This is one of the top three complaints that I receive questions on.  People are gaining weight, feeling tired, cold, losing their hair, etc.  No matter what they do, they keep gaining weight and they feel as if their metabolism is slowing down.  Most will just get...

Adrenal (Stress) Testing

One of the major contributors to energy levels and mood are the adrenal glands.  We test the output of various hormones from your adrenal glads like cortisol, DHEA, testosterone, estrogen, estriol, progesterone and melatonin to get a clear understanding of your...

Foods That Heal The Gut

How to Heal the Gut   This is my favourite part of the gut section as it discusses how we can heal the gut.  As we have discussed, there are many variables that can disrupt your gut flora and microbiome.  This section will look at food as medicine.  What foods heal...
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