Most Common Health Concerns We Heal

Today’s show looks at the most common health concerns we see and how we heal our clients.  We have patients all around the world and our goal is to help millions of people get better and live their best life yet.  Listen in for great tips....

Bloated, Stomach Pain, Diarrhea Or Constipation?

In today’s show we look at why you are bloated, have stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence or issues with certain foods.  You will learn the cause and how to deal with it.  Enjoy the show.  www.mikedaciuk.comCheck out this...

Quick Tips On Losing That Holiday Weight

Today, we do a review on some quick ways to lose weight fast.  Through my experience in working with clients around the world, I find I have to get results quickly and effectively.  Today’s show is unique and different in its approach.  Enjoy....

Foods That Heal The Gut And Keep You Healthy

Today we look at my four top foods that are great for healing your gut and keeping you healthy.  The mucosal barrier is so important and we need to keep it strong and tight.   Enjoy the show team.  www.mikedaciuk.comCheck out this...
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