How To Reduce Inflammation

Natural Treatments for Tendonitis Tendonitis (which is also sometimes spelled tendinitis) is a form of painful inflammationin the tendons, which are the chord-like parts of the body that connect muscles to bones. Usually caused by repetitive movements (like exercise...

How To Lose Unwanted Holiday Weight

Four Ways To Lose Weight After The Holidays   1. Make yourself a green smoothie or juice daily.  Back from vacation or Holiday weekend, this would be my top tip for anyone wanting to look and feel healthier now. Green smoothies and juices flood the body with...

Heart Health and How To Improve It

Cardiovascular and Pre-Diabetes Test CARDIOMETABOLIC TESTING Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. Standard cholesterol tests can miss that YOU are at risk.  Poor blood sugar regulation and unhealthy triglyceride and lipoprotein levels often present...

Healthy Alternatives To High Fructose Corn Syrup

High Fructose Corn Syrup Dangers & Healthy Alternatives Have you been fooled by advertisements talking about “corn sugar”? Viewer beware — this is just a more angelic but deceptive term for high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). It’s said that corn refiners have already...
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