Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

Hair Tissue Analysis   Mineral Blueprint A hair tissue mineral analysis can provide pertinent information about one’s metabolic rate, energy levels, sugar and carbohydrate tolerance, stage of stress, immune system and glandular activity.   A hair...

Three Quick Tips To Get In Shape For Summer

Team, As you know, I like to get in depth with health and functional medicine as I see some very serious cases.  With that being said, I understand that I need to simplify concepts for people who just want to lose 20 pounds and feel better.  Here are three easy tips...

Best Nutraceuticals For Memory

Nutraceuticals These are nutrients that have a specific medicinal or pharmacological effect.  Nutraceuticals are usually compounds made by the body or plant based.  They’re more natural than other drugs and are good for beginners who are apprehensive at the thought of...
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