These Genes Affect Fat Storage

Today we look at the importance of genetic testing and what genes affect your tolerance to some foods.  Are you better suited for carbs, fats or proteins?  Enjoy the show. Check out this...

Top Three Labs For Your Gut And GI Tract

Today we look at the top three functional medicine labs that heal the gut.  There are so many options for people to run and these are great at uncovering issues with your “leaky gut”.  Enjoy the show.     Check out this...

Gut Labs

Disease Prevention As I was reviewing and researching all of the functional medicine labs I run for my patients around the world, it became obvious that there is no shortage of quality laboratories to select from.  They have industry leading scientists with quality...

Top 8 Healthy Foods On A Tight Budget

Today we look at some healthy foods that are great when you are on a tight budget.  We explain how you can build out your week with quality food.  Enjoy the show. Check out this...
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