How To Create The Life You Want

The Brain and Subconscious Programming   This is likely my favourite topic as it is so profound and important in your life yet so many people don’t fully understand it.   Let’s take a step back and review why subconscious programming is relevant to life and health. ...

15 Life Changing Lessons

15 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Wayne Dyer Wayne Dyer was a mentor and leader in the metaphysical field.  He used his experience and influence to help people lead a more fulfilled life.  He attracted abundance by doing more and giving more.   We should all...

Three Tips That Can Change Your Life Forever

Optimism   Who do people want to associate with? The person who is always negative, or the person who sees the positive side in every situation? I will not hire a person with a negative attitude. You can have all the education in the world, a resume with...

Tips To Improve Your Life

Support Network   Your development and progress are augmented by the support network you have around you. This includes family, friends, co-workers, peers, mentors, spiritual advisors and anyone who comes across your path. This is especially true for people who...
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