Rohn: Why Personal Development Is Critical to Success

  An important mentor of mine in Jim Rohn has always focused on improving yourself in the good times and bad.  You are the common denominator in how your life unfolds.  If you keep improving who you are and what you give, the end result will be growth and...

From Nothing To A Worldwide Innovator

We had the priviledge of seeing Pitbull live in Toronto two weeks ago and his story was very compelling and very real.  He shared how he turned his misfortune into helping millions of people around the world.  If he can do it, you can as well.  Enjoy this great...

How to Develop a Psychology of Resilience

Great article from Time Magazine that I wanted to share on being resilient.  I see too many people who give up after one or two failed attempts.  That is part of life and it will happen but the key is to sticking with your vision and passion.  Enjoy this great...
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