Apr 28, 2016 | Exercise & Fitness
Team, As you know, I like to get in depth with health and functional medicine as I see some very serious cases. With that being said, I understand that I need to simplify concepts for people who just want to lose 20 pounds and feel better. Here are three easy tips...
Apr 22, 2016 | News & Articles
In the last article we discussed the problems humans have converting omega-3 (n-3) fats from plant sources, such as flax seeds and walnuts, to the longer chain derivatives EPA and DHA. Since EPA and DHA (especially DHA) are responsible for the benefits omega-3 fats...
Apr 19, 2016 | News & Articles
For now, let’s look at 10 take-home fat facts. Sugar, not fat, makes you fat. The average American eats 152 pounds of sugar and 146 pounds of flour that converts to sugar every year. That’s nearly a pound of sugar and flour combined every day! More sugar means your...
Mar 3, 2016 | Diet & Nutrition
Aside from the obvious foods like processed foods, sodas, etc., these are five foods that you may think are helping you but may actually be causing you discomfort. Enjoy Top Five Foods That Cause Disruption In The Body