Jan 26, 2017 | Motivation & Mindset
I get this question every day on why people don’t stick to their New Year’s resolutions or why they don’t stay committed to projects or relationships for that matter. There can be many reasons but here are the top five that I see. They don’t...
Jan 25, 2017 | News & Articles
One of my mentors was Wayne Dyer and I wanted to share this great article on life and how to balance your priorities. A major concern for most people is how do you balance career, family, hobbies, faith, personal improvement, etc.? Life is all about balance and how...
Jan 23, 2017 | Motivation & Mindset
I know that many people find themselves daydreaming or experiencing negative thoughts throughout the day. In fact ” Each person has an average of 60,000 thoughts a day! That’s one thought per second in every waking hour! Amazingly, 95 percent are the same...
Jan 23, 2017 | News & Articles
What a great blog and show from Chris Kresser. Botanical treatments for acute viral infections You can think about this, again, in two different parts. One is the antiviral component and two is the immune support component. In terms of the antivirals, the best...
Jan 20, 2017 | News & Articles
Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s...