The Lab That Reveals All

Today we look at one of the best labs for understanding gut health.  Enjoy.     Check out this...

Why You Crave Sugar and How To Stop It

Night Binges: Blame the 4 Hormones of the Apocalypse (Infographic) Six Tips To Avoid Carb Cravings Taming the hormones that make you crave junk food at night Ever sneak a late-night snack after a big dinner, or binge late into the night? Eating a huge meal, then going...

Grain Substitutes That Are Healthy and Taste Great

From a great mentor Dr. Axe.  Enjoy. Looking to cut back on grains but unsure how to handle cravings for your favorite foods like bread, muffins and pasta? Luckily, there are tons of creative ways to use root vegetables, beans, nuts and coconuts to replicate some of...

The Five R’s To Vibrant Health

Hello team, There are many ways to achieve optimal health or even restore your health should you be suffering.  We see patients every day that range from just wanting to lose 20 pounds to diabetics, autoimmune conditions and even cancer.   I will give you a basic...
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