These Genes Affect Fat Storage

Today we look at the importance of genetic testing and what genes affect your tolerance to some foods.  Are you better suited for carbs, fats or proteins?  Enjoy the show. Check out this...

Top Three Labs For Your Gut And GI Tract

Today we look at the top three functional medicine labs that heal the gut.  There are so many options for people to run and these are great at uncovering issues with your “leaky gut”.  Enjoy the show.     Check out this...

Spirituality And Health

Spirituality and Health Can spirituality promote a healthier physical life for your family? Recent medical studies indicate that spiritual people are less prone to self-destructive behaviors (suicide, smoking, and drug and alcohol abuse, for example), and have less...

Top Five Foods That Make You Happy

  1 Leafy Greens Dark leafy greens like spinach are rich in folate, which helps your body produce mood-regulating neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine. One 2012 study found people who consumed the most folate had a lower risk of depression...

Stress Reduction Techniques

Stress Reduction Techniques   Now if you asked me 15 years ago if this was important, I would have had a different answer.  With that being said, stress reduction is more important for some people to start with than exercise.  In 2016, more people spend their day in...
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