May 2, 2018 | Health Blog
It is not that often that I come across a revolutionary lab that has the ability to transform the way you live your life. I first started studying the Viome lab about one year ago and was very impressed with the technology, medical team and artificial intelligence...
Apr 11, 2017 | News & Articles
Team, I wanted to share this great page and interview that a mentor of mine in Ben Greenfield conducted. There are so many great pieces of information in here augmented with many resources on top books on cancer, techniques and steps to improve your health and...
Mar 27, 2017 | Motivation & Mindset
Great article from Time Magazine that I wanted to share on being resilient. I see too many people who give up after one or two failed attempts. That is part of life and it will happen but the key is to sticking with your vision and passion. Enjoy this great...
Mar 10, 2017 | News & Articles
I really enjoyed this blog on overcoming adversity and dealing with setbacks. Mental discipline and motivation are key to pushing forward and achieving your dreams. I see this every day with patients and clients. Enjoy. Twenty seven years ago, I was born an...
Mar 7, 2017 | News & Articles
I really enjoyed this article between Dr. Wayne Dyer and his daughter Serena where they discuss life and it’s true spiritual meaning. Wayne was an advocate of love, balance and purpose. He transformed his life and feels obligated to transform others. Enjoy...