Keep Going

Today we discuss how to persevere and keep going during the tough times.  Enjoy the show. Check out this...

Why You Crave Sugar and How To Stop It

Night Binges: Blame the 4 Hormones of the Apocalypse (Infographic) Six Tips To Avoid Carb Cravings Taming the hormones that make you crave junk food at night Ever sneak a late-night snack after a big dinner, or binge late into the night? Eating a huge meal, then going...

Tips For Battling Cancer

I first want to say that I am not a medical doctor so always seek the advice of your GP or MD first.  They are your primary care provider. I am just providing advice that in theory and my clinical practice have worked well.  These are just my opinions and nothing...

Healthy Foods On The Go…

  Hey team, I get this question all the time in terms of what you eat when you are a busy executive or mom/dad making lunches for their kids.  Here are some healthy snack options from Dr. Hyman and Dr. Mercola. Enjoy. Here are easy-to-make or easy-to-buy foods...

Can Your Blood Type Determine Your Diet?

  A great read on if your blood type determines what kind of diet you should be following. This is how each blood type is supposed to eat: Type A: Called the agrarian, or cultivator. People who are type A should eat a diet...
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