Oct 6, 2016 | News & Articles
Causes of “Leaky Gut” The causes of leaky gut will surprise many people. They go well beyond nutrition and can be found in many obscure places. I consciously and even subconsciously think about the foods I eat and the lifestyle I live each and...
Sep 28, 2016 | News & Articles
I first want to say that I am not a medical doctor so always seek the advice of your GP or MD first. They are your primary care provider. I am just providing advice that in theory and my clinical practice have worked well. These are just my opinions and nothing...
Sep 19, 2016 | News & Articles
A great read on if your blood type determines what kind of diet you should be following. http://www.dadamo.com/txt/index.pl?1004 This is how each blood type is supposed to eat: Type A: Called the agrarian, or cultivator. People who are type A should eat a diet...
Sep 14, 2016 | Healthy Eating, Vitamins & Supplements
The cause of hair loss in men is due to the hair follicles’ sensitivity to a hormone called DHT (5α-Dihydrotestosterone). DHT is a male androgen hormone that causes follicles to shrink resulting in a shorter lifespan and decrease hair production. Normally after hairs...