Leaky Gut and How To Heal

    Causes of “Leaky Gut”   The causes of leaky gut will surprise many people.  They go well beyond nutrition and can be found in many obscure places.  I consciously and even subconsciously think about the foods I eat and the lifestyle I live each and...

Tips For Battling Cancer

I first want to say that I am not a medical doctor so always seek the advice of your GP or MD first.  They are your primary care provider. I am just providing advice that in theory and my clinical practice have worked well.  These are just my opinions and nothing...

Can Your Blood Type Determine Your Diet?

  A great read on if your blood type determines what kind of diet you should be following. http://www.dadamo.com/txt/index.pl?1004 This is how each blood type is supposed to eat: Type A: Called the agrarian, or cultivator. People who are type A should eat a diet...
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