Three Day Ripped Phase

Every day I get this question about “belly fat” or “beer gut” and today I am going to focus on a nutrition plan for three days that involves eliminating carbohydrates from your regimen. For optimal muscle growth, you need to change up your...

Beliefs and the Power to Use Them

When someone mentions the word belief to you, what comes to mind? What are beliefs and how do they shape your life? Before I get into the how your beliefs play an integral part in your life, it is best to fully understand the meaning and relevance of this word....

Building a Sustainable Plan

Every day I see people come into my office looking for solutions to change the way they look and feel. They usually have a general idea of how this can be accomplished and most have done their due diligence on health and nutrition. I have discussed throughout this...

November 2011 – Body Transformation

I must get asked these questions a hundred times when training members at the gym or during initial assessments with potential clients. Can I lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Are they one in the same or completely exclusive? How do I get rid of these...
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