Healing Nutrition

Green based Polyphenols and alkaline based foods: Healthy Carbs: Kale Spinach Broccoli Asparagus Grapes Lettuce Onions Peppers Cauliflower Apples Celery Carrots Blueberries Oranges Raspberries Bananas Honey Healthy Fats: Avocadoes Coconut Oil Coconut Almonds Almond...

The Benefits Of Coconut Oil

I wanted to write a quick article on Coconut oil and some of the health benefits associated with it. As many of you know, I am an advocate of sufficient amounts of protein, veggies, fruits and healthy fats. This inevitably means that my clients have to reduce their...

Benefits Of Coconut Oil

I wanted to write a quick article on Coconut oil and some of the health benefits associated with it. As many of you know, I am an advocate of sufficient amounts of protein, veggies, fruits and healthy fats. This inevitably means that my clients have to reduce their...

The Role of a Mentor

This concept and learning paradigm resonates well with some while others will dismiss it entirely. I must admit that I didn’t fully appreciate the true value of a credible mentor until a few years ago. Perhaps this had to do with ignorance or my...
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