
Mental illness is a very serious issue and I see many patients who struggle with it.  These can range from depression, anxiety, mood, sleep, etc.  We typically run a few labs to see what is going on physiologically and then have a paradigm of sequential steps we...


This is one of the top three complaints that I receive questions on.  People are gaining weight, feeling tired, cold, losing their hair, etc.  No matter what they do, they keep gaining weight and they feel as if their metabolism is slowing down.  Most will just get...

Gut Health: SIBO, Pathogens, IBS and “Leaky Gut”

As Hippocrates said “All disease begins in the gut’, we frequently run labs that assess your overall gut health.  We use Genova, Cyrex and Bio-Health to test for intestinal permeability and overall gut health.  We can see how tight the junctions are and if...
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